This is a placeholder where an actual value is returned in The string ' replaceable_value' appears in a number of error Indicates whether a message is serious error or a warning. Base error code translations on theĮrror strings in this table.
Messages are supplied only in English, but the error codes can be usedĪs an index for a structure, array, or string table to supply messages Severity, short error string, and long error string.
The information for each error includes: error code, error Periodically even though the WSDL may not change (due to changes in This is because the list of possible errors can change The number may be higher than the version of the WSDL youĪre using. Platform API version that was in effect when this table was last The version number at the bottom of this topic indicates the eBay The same list of errors isĪpplicable regardless of whether you are using the XML API, SOAP API,ĮBay SDK for Java, or eBay SDK for Windows. The table below lists all of the error messages that could beĮncountered using the eBay Platform API.